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Conservation roofing slates are visually authentic, long-lasting cost-effective slates, specifically developed to meet stringent demands of conservation planning areas. A variety of sizes enables the slates to be laid to a traditional diminishing course.

Features and benefits

  • Readily available, highly acceptable reconstructed stone alternative to natural stone slates

  • Supplied in a full but rationalised range of diminishing lengths and random widths for an authentic appearance

  • The slates ease of laying and ready availability reduce time and costs associated with second-hand material

  • Slates are twice holed to facilitate nailing where appropriate

  • Nibbed to ensure speed of laying

  • Suitable for roofs down to a minimum pitch of 30°

  • Conservation range consists of main slates, under ridge and eaves slates with matching accessories including ridge, hip and ventilation units


External roof, extensions and new build where a natural appearance is required.

Product range includes:

  • Main slate

  • Ridge units

  • Hip units

  • Ridge vent unit

  • Gas flue ridge unit

  • Slate vent

Product categories


100 - 450 mm
Easy to use
203 - 508 mm
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