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Conservation Roof Windows

Keylite Roof Windows Ltd

The Keylite Conservation roof window is designed to complement both renovation and new build projects in a traditional style. The black central glazing bar and low profile external flashing maintain the traditional character of the building, whilst still accommodating the flow of natural light to the interior below. 


Special features
The standard Conservation Roof Window benefits from all of the advanced Keylite features including thermal efficiency, low maintenance and ventilation control. Only Keylite windows have an Integrated Thermal Collar, Warm Edge Glazing and a Recessed Fit as standard, leading to enhanced thermal performance.
New build, loft conversions, property extension or renovation
WxH: 550x780, 550x980, 660x1180, 780x1180, 780x1400, 1340x980, 550x980, 660x1180, 780x1180, 780x1400
Pine Finish / White Finish
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