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Compact Automatic Sliding Door Operator - TORMAX iMotion® 2302 operator


The iMotion 2302 sliding door drive is a powerful and adaptable drive with a long working life and the dynamically smooth door movement. Very user-friendly, the iMotion 2302 provides instant response times, even in when there is heavy foot traffic.

* Elegant 150 mm installation height, depth 166 mm
* Electromechanical sliding door drive with a gearless AC synchronous motor
* Excellent reliability and low maintenance costs
* Almost noiseless door leaf movements
* Adjustable monitored power limit
* Adjustable reversing sensitivity
* Adjustable opening and closing speeds
* Adjustable hold-open times

* external and internal doors, including in noise-sensitive areas
* barrier-free, easy-to-use doors for all types of persons
* linear doors with 1 or 2 sliding leaves, with or without side panels
* air lock or porch systems
* rescue and escape routes
* heavy footfall

Door opening widths: 700 – 3000 mm
Door leaf weights: 1 x 200 kg, 2 x 180 kg
Operating unit with 6 operating modes (automatic, reduced opening, exit, permanently open, closed, manual operation)

* Connection facilities for sensors complying with EN 16005
* Electromechanical locking
* Key switch
* Mechanical emergency opening
* Battery module for emergency operation
* Can be set for low energy operation

Directives and standards met
• The Machinery, Low Voltage and EMC Guidelines
• RoHS
• EN 16005 (1 million cycles with 4000 cycles/day),
• EN 60035, EN 61000, EN ISO 13849

Declarations and approvals


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