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Hanson UK

Hanson’s Colourcrete range of coloured concretes can add a whole new dimension to your project. It can be used wherever conventional concrete is specified and can be colour-matched to blend with the surrounding area or help your project stand out from the crowd.

The Colourcrete range of high quality ready-mixed concretes is available nationally in a range of standard colours – or we can produce a bespoke mix to your exact requirements.

Coloured concrete provides a permanent, cost-effective alternative to decorative surface coatings and brings colour and texture to a wide range of structures – from footpaths, flooring and facades to skate parks, shopping centres and sea defences.



Wide range available
Special features
Fade resistant, Durable,
Architectual design, Public buildings, Walkways & cycle paths, Tramways, Parking, Leisure, Sea defences, Industrial flooring, Domestic
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