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CavityTherm 360

Unilin Insulation

An engineered system providing added resilience against increases in wind-driven rain resulting from climate change.

ECO/CT is a bio-enhanced high performance composite board of enhanced PIR with a Lambda value as low as 0.020 W/mK for full fill cavity wall applications. ECO/CT offers all of the unique benefits of our full fill built-in wall insulation system along with pioneering environmentally sensitive features that meet both the Climate Challenge 2030 and London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) targets. When built into a traditional 110-150mm cavity using standard foundation widths, building skills and local materials

ECO/CT achieves U-Values down to 0.12 W/m2K. An environmentally conscious solution to low energy design, that results in traditional homes that meet the 2030 Climate Challenge targets


Compressive strength
CS (10\Y) 120
Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
0.020 (W/mk)


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