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Caremix® Thermostatic Taps offer a safe design for the healthcare industry, providing protection for vulnerable populations from the dangers of scalding whilst complying with the requirements for infection and hygiene control.  

The range features a cool touch body to prevent the tap body from reaching dangerous temperatures as well as PVD coated chrome plating to prevent scratching or deterioration of the chrome finish.

The Caremix range has also been designed with product maintenance in mind.  Every tap in the range uses the unique Aegle one piece thermostatic cartridge as standard which minimises spares stock and can significantly reduce system downtime.  Utilising a cartridge system means the components of each tap can be accessed from in front of the wall, ensuring maintenance and repairs can be done quickly and easily. The internal brass housing, which contains the non-return valve, cylindrical strainer and flow regulator, can be removed in one and replaced with a spare, leaving time to clean or repair the internal components away from the washroom and reduced downtime’.

Likewise the wall mounted and two hole deck mounted Caremix taps have been designed to permit the tap body also to  be removed following for deep cleaning, repair or quick replacement away from the washroom.  Following isolation, the grub screws can be removed at the top of the legs and new body can replaced in seconds, minimising disruption or system downtime.


Replacement Cartridge, flushing hose and anti-bacterial flow straightener
TMV3 approved
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