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Bronze Internal Solid Door System

Architectural Bronze

External solid Bronze Doors fit within a bronze frame with a bronze threshold. Doors can be produced to open in either direction, in a variety of styles including plain, with vertical or horizontal transoms or with deep bottom rails. The bronze doors can also be made with a shallow curved or angled head. The doors are principally designed to accept 24mm double glazed units.

The glazing is secured into place with either a traditional or contemporary shaped bead which complements our Advanced window system. The extended leg can be shortened for installation into flush reveals or for inward opening doors.

For more information on our Bronze Internal Solid Door System, please click here.


Architectural bronze
Mid or dark bronze
Bespoke - made to order
Suitable for listed properties, renovations and new builds
Architectural bronze
Mid or dark bronze
Suitable for listed properties, renovations and new builds
Bespoke - made to order


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