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British Standard Tactile


A range of paving designed specifically to meet The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions ‘Guidance on the Use of Tactile Paving Surfaces’.

  • Hard wearing under typical pedestrian usage
  • Available in a range of colours to suit specific guidelines for specific areas
  • Designed to assist visually impaired pedestrians
  • Provides tactile indication of hazard areas and safe travel routes

Available in five surface profiles:

  • Hazard Warning Corduroy - For use in identifying any potential hazard to pedestrians and warning them to proceed with care.
  • Blister - For use in identifying a crossing place for the visually impaired. Guidelines exist concerning the use, layout and colour of blister paving.
  • Guidance - For use in identifying a safe route for pedestrians to travel, avoiding obstacles and hazards.
  • Platform Edge Warning (Lozenge) - Used at street level to denote the existence of a platform edge for light transport systems.
  • Cycleway - Used at the beginning of a shared pedestrian/cycle route to denote the path that each should follow.


Tactile flag paving is suitable for high volume pedestrian areas, town centres and traffic free zones.

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Designed for use with British Standard paving and kerb. All developments may require tactile paving to conform to Building Regulations Approved Document M.


18.8 - 37.1 kg
50, 65, 70 mm
450x450 mm, 400x400 mm
Blister, Guidence, Cycleway
Buff, Red, Grey, Charcoal
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