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Automatic Sliding Door - iMotion® 2202.A operator


TORMAX iMotion 2202.A sliding door drive

The iMotion 2202.A combines reliable AC motor technology with a state of the art microprocessor control system in a slender, tried and tested guide track with an installation height of only 100 mm.

A long working life, reliability and low maintenance costs are guaranteed. Door leaf movement is quiet, delivering a pleasant ambience in all locations.

Areas of use:

The iMotion 2202.A is perfectly suited for passageways indoors or outdoors where architectural elegance is required in a demanding environment, i.e. high functionality combined with significant pedestrian traffic. The 2202.A is certified for rescue and escape routes.

* iMotion operators incorporate an intelligent microprocessor control system that guarantees permanent monitoring of door leaf movements
* compact dimensions with installation height of just 100 mm
* the electro-mechanical lock guarantees a high level of burglary protection
* a unique AC motor ensures long working life and reliability
* quiet door leaf movements thanks to the vibration-absorbent mountings of the guide rails
* RoHS conformity of all components


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