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Ancon TeploTie Basalt Fibre Wall Ties

Leviat Limited

Ancon TeploTie wall ties comprise pultruded basalt fibres set in a resin matrix which offers a thermal conductivity of just 0.7W/mK. The thermal efficiency of this innovative material means these ties are excluded from U-value calculations to BS EN ISO 6946, minimising insulation thickness and wall footprint. A heavy duty rubber o-ring prevents water crossing the cavity and a sand finish provides excellent mortar key.

Available to suit cavities up to 450mm, they are ideal for today’s super-insulated building envelopes and are suitable for both new-build and retrofit projects.

The Ancon Teplo-L-Tie is ideal where a low thermal conductivity fixing is required between new masonry and in-situ steel, timber, concrete or masonry. It offers all the same benefits as the original TeploTie with an additional L-shaped stainless steel upstand, mechanically and chemically bonded to one end, with a 7mm diameter hole to allow surface fixing.

Ancon TeploTies have BBA approval and meet the technical requirements of the NHBC. They also meet the performance requirement of Approved Document E for use in external masonry walls.


Basalt Fibres
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