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Airtech System

Bauder Ltd

Flame-Free Two Layer Bituminous Solution. When site conditions prohibit the use of a naked flame, but a high quality bitumen system is required, Bauder’s Airtech System is a natural choice. It combines the latest generation of heat activated self‐adhesive bitumen membranes with polyurethane adhesives and hot air welding techniques to produce an unrivalled flame‐free alternative.  

BauderTEC KSO SN Cap Sheet  is a self-adhesive elastomeric bituminous membrane with laps that are sealed using 240V hot air welding equipment. It uses expandable graphite fire retardant to prevent the spread of flame in the event of fire breaking out on the roof. 

BauderTEC KSA DUO Underlayer is a self-adhesive elastomeric bituminous membrane with glass lattice reinforcement and patented ‘DUO’ lap technology.

 BauderPIR FA-TE Insulation is highly efficient, lightweight, fire resistant and zero ODP rated. The insulation is foil faced on both sides for increased thermal efficiency.

 BauderTEC KSD DUO Vapour Barrier is a self-adhesive elastomeric bituminous membrane with an aluminium foil facing to prevent the passage of moisture vapour into the system. This product also incorporates patented ‘DUO’ lap technology.


13.3 Kg/m²
Temperature range
-30°C to +100°C
128.5 mmm
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