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Manufactured from galvanised and stainless steel, ACO StepDrain eliminates water ponding at house entrances.

ACO StepDrain comes complete with a corrosion resistant 304 stainless steel Heelguard grating suitable for pedestrian traffic.
The system is available in two sizes (940mm and 1088mm) making it ideal for almost any door size.

The system is compliant with Part M of the Building Regulations for England and Wales and Section 4 of the Scottish Building Standards


940 x 53 x 159 or 1088 x 53 x 159mm
Body of the unit manufactured from galvanised steel, frame manufactured from grade 304stainless steel
Galvanised steel, and stainless steel
Stainless steel grating
Special features
Compliant with Part M of the Building Regulations for England and Wales and Section 4 of the Scottish Building Standards
Level thresholds
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