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2451 Kebony Clear 19x120 mm shiplap 60° smooth

Kebony Wood

Underpinned by proven timber modification technologies, Kebony produces an enhanced wood of superior quality that is environmentally friendly, durable, and beautiful, helping to revolutionise the construction industry and build a better future. 

The Kebony® technology permanently transforms sustainable softwoods such as pine into Kebony wood - with features that are comparable, and in some cases superior, to those of precious tropical hardwoods.  

Through its patented process, Kebony is one of the few to dually modify™ its wood to create a market-leading customisable product. 

The technological process is unique whilst also remaining environmentally friendly. The company’s patent-protected production processes yield products that deliver major improvements in durability and dimensional stability, and at the same time remaining naturally beautiful.   

Kebony wood is suitable for a multitude of outdoor applications and designs. Used predominantly for cladding and decking, Kebony can be applied to a range of different projects and is a popular choice for architects, construction companies, public sector and space designers, landscapers and homeowners alike. 

Why design with Kebony?

  • Sustainable solution: Kebony Clear is made from FSC®-certified Pinus Radiata, treated with a bio-based liquid
  • Dually ModifiedTM wood
  • Highly durable, weather resistant and easy maintenance
  • Ideal for outdoor cladding and decking
  • Quality comparable or superior to tropical hardwoods
  • Up to 35 years warranty without treatment


Cladding or internal applications
19x120 mm shiplap 60°
Dark brown, naturally developing a silver-grey patina when used externally
Smooth surface, knot-free & clear appearance
Special features
FSC-certified, performs like tropical hardwood
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