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KONE provides innovative and eco-efficient solutions for lifts, escalators doors and loading bays & access. We support our customers every step of the way; from design, manufacturing and installation to maintenance and modernisation. KONE is a global leader in helping our customers manage the smooth flow of people and goods throughout their buildings.

Our commitment to customers is present in all KONE solutions. This makes us a reliable partner throughout the life cycle of the building. We challenge the conventional wisdom of the industry. We are fast, flexible, and we have a well-deserved reputation as a technology leader, with such innovations as KONE MonoSpace®, KONE MaxiSpace®, and KONE InnoTrack™.


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  • Global House
  • Station Place
  • Fox Lane
  • North Chertsey
  • Surrey
  • Surrey
  • 08451 999 999
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