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Johnsons Wellfield Quarries Ltd

Johnsons Wellfield Quarries Ltd is one of the UK’s leading stone manufacturers, specialising in the supply of their own high quality Crosland Hill and Moorfield hard York stones, for a wide range of cladding (rain-screen and traditional), masonry, paving and hard landscaping applications. Their site at Crosland Hill near Huddersfield, has expanded to over 250 acres, giving a projected yield of over 5 million tonnes of block, giving clients an assurance of continuity of supply for years to come. These vast reserves are backed up by one of Europe’s largest and best-equipped stone manufacturing plants.

All Johnson’s stone is produced in accordance with relevant BS EN standards, supported by current BRE Test Reports and all material supplied to public realm contracts is CE compliant. The Company has published technical guides for both natural stone cladding and paving, to assist designers and specifiers embarking upon projects requiring a particularly high quality York stone.
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