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Hamworthy Heating Ltd

Hamworthy Heating is a leading British manufacturer and supplier of commercial heating, hot water and renewable energy solutions.

With nearly 45 years of experience, Hamworthy is a leading authority in the commercial heating and hot water markets.

Our passion for innovation has fuelled a team committed to world class manufacturing and pioneering best practice. Today, Hamworthy drives the efficiencies and savings of tomorrow.

At Hamworthy Heating, we are committed to integrating renewable energy with traditionally fuelled high-efficiency commercial heating systems. The need to supply sustainable energy sources as part of the overall building heating solution is rising. In response to this demand we are continually developing innovative products with excellent environmental credentials and through our partners we can provide a wide range of renewable energy solutions for commercial heating and hot water applications including Solar Thermal hot water systems.

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Hamworthy Heating Ltd

  • Wessex House
  • Units 7 & 8 New Fields Business Park
  • Stinsford Road
  • Poole
  • Dorset
  • BH17 0NF
  • 01202 662500
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