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Elco Heating Solutions

Whether it’s wall hung boilers, floor standing boilers, heat interface units, hot water generation / storage and pressure jet units, or the latest renewable technology, ELCO offers the highest quality products for the commercial heating sector. Customers are supported by a dedicated nationwide sales team, as well as an experienced technical department based in Basildon.

ELCO is a long established brand across Europe and manufactures boilers, burners and renewable systems, including heat pumps and solar thermal equipment. As a worldwide pioneer in heating technology and the market leader in Switzerland, heating solutions from ELCO incorporate intelligent, energy-saving technology designed to meet the individual requirements of a project.

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  • 3 Juniper West
  • Fenton Way
  • Southfields Business Park
  • Basildon
  • Essex
  • SS15 6SJ
  • 01268 546 700
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