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EcoProd Technique

Ecoprod Technique is a family owned and run organisation with many years experience in various aspects of the mechanical and electrical building industries. We have seen the need to provide products, applications and solutions in a world where vital resources are running out and the environment is at risk.

In particular, we have identified that the washroom environment is one that has traditionally been wasteful of water and energy resources and otherwise potentially unpleasant! Therefore, we have sought to introduce products which are water and energy efficient as well as raising the standard of the whole washroom environment.

Ecoprod Technique is the UK distributor of the unique Urimat Waterless Urinal technology. We have proved from experience that Urimat is the only truly effective waterless urinal technology! Urimat works without chemicals, oils or other environmentally suspect agents and we guarantee an odour-free washroom experience! Urimat is now widely installed in public buildings such as restaurant and retail chain stores as well as schools, colleges and universities. It is also installed in many offices, factories and other private venues.

Ecoprod Technique are a distributor of the Jet Towel low energy hand dryer and also offer a range of water-saving touch-free sensor taps.

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  • 33-35 Portugal Road
  • Woking
  • Surrey
  • GU21 5JE
  • 01483 773373
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