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DiscreteHeat Company Ltd

DiscreteHeat Company Ltd was formed in September 2005 to design, manufacture and market the ThermaSkirt product. Recent trends in residential and office development and rising energy costs have highlighted the importance of space and energy efficiency.

Following a period of 5 years in small scale property development (including refurbishment & renovation) the idea to manufacture a skirting board that also provided the central heating, was developed.

ThermaSkirt® is an innovative and unique form of room heating that replaces the skirting boards & conventional radiators in one. It has been proven to be at least 13% more energy efficient than conventional radiators. (Source: BSRIA test report 513971/1). Its heat distribution comfort levels and temperature stratification pattern is practically indistinguishable from Under Floor heating. The use of aluminium provides a heat radiating surface 5 times better than that of steel, making it suitable for use with renewable energy sources such as solar, air & ground source heat pumps.

DiscreteHeat have 4 key patents that protect the IPR of the product, and the trade names DiscreteHeat & ThermaSkirt have been registered internationally.
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  • 1 Victoria Works Industrial Estate
  • Coal Pit Lane
  • Atherton
  • Manchester
  • M46 0RY
  • 0845 123 8367
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