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Part of the Hempel Group, a world leading coatings supplier for the decorative, protective and marine markets, Crown Paints can trace its history back as far as 1777.

Our professional brands Crown Trade, Sadolin and Sandtex Trade are widely chosen by decorators, contractors and specifers working in both domestic and commercial environments, who are looking for quality, colour choice and market leading advice. Through independent merchants and our own network of over 130 Crown Decorating Centres   throughout the UK we have a national distribution.

The solutions we offer for effective paint specification – and the way in which we deliver them – stem from our self-belief that, where Crown is concerned, "it's not just paint… It's personal".

We offer the following personalised services for specifying coatings



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  • PO Box 37
  • Crown House
  • Hollins Road
  • Darwen
  • Lancashire
  • BB3 0BG
  • 0330 0240310
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