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Celotex Ltd

When you specify Celotex insulation, you are accessing an unrivalled product and service insulation package that has evolved through a process of constant innovation spanning eight decades.

The evolution continues with intensive product development across our highly specialised Celotex product range. Our newly expanded range provides thermal insulation solutions that fully meet the requirements of current legislation as well as the demands of building professionals, specifiers and users.

These developments are represented in our depth of product offer. Celotex insulation boards offer an unrivalled range of thicknesses - from as thin as 12mm through to 200mm, all available from stock - with products suitable for pitched and flat roofs, walls and floors. We now also offer a plasterboard thermal laminate and have a Class O product range for when project specifications demand enhanced fire performance. In addition, a range of accessory products has been added to our product portfolio to make the installation of Celotex even easier. You can see our entire list of insulation products from the Products menu at the top of page.

Celotex insulation is suitable for a wide variety of building applications, including underfloor heating, loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, roof insulation and floor insulation.

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  • Lady Lane Industrial Estate
  • Hadleigh
  • Ipswich
  • IP7 6BA
  • 01473 822093
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