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Xtratherm sponsors Institute of Roofing’s AGM

18 Sep 2012

In addition to its two year sponsorship deal with the Institute of Roofing (IoR), Xtratherm has agreed to sponsor its AGM which is due to take place on 11th October at the Titanic Centre in Belfast.


Xtratherm not only provides top quality insulation products but also technical expertise and training, which is why it is committed to working alongside the IoR. Kerry Westlake National Sales and Marketing Manager of Xtratherm said: “We are delighted to be working with the Institute of Roofing and in particular sponsor this very important event in their year. The IoR is a vital body in the industry and we are committed to help them continue their work in providing the best qualified and trained supervisors and managers to meet our changing industry's needs.”


The Institute of Roofing was founded in 1980 and is the only professional body in the UK that offers individuals involved in the roofing industry, at Supervisory and Management level, the opportunity to gain nationally recognised roofing qualifications through structured training courses.


Although membership is only open to individuals, the IoR offers a select number of companies the opportunity to become associated with the Institute by becoming one of its sponsors. This allows companies to become linked with a nationally respected organisation, and to reach the Institute's 1200 roofing professionals across the United Kingdom.


The relationship between Xtratherm and the IoR makes sense for both organisations. Although Xtratherm’s range of insulation products is leading the market in terms of performance, the company’s philosophy is to support activities and organisations that train members of the roofing industry. This support will help to guarantee Xtratherm’s products are installed correctly and achieve their full potential.


IoR Executive Officer Roger White FIoR said: “We are delighted that Xtratherm has agreed to become an IoR sponsor. In addition they have kindly agreed to be one of our sponsors for our AGM and evening event in Belfast. We look forward to working with them to help increase their profile to our membership base, the roofing industry in general and to demonstrate to Xtratherm the benefits of IoR membership for their staff.”