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Windermere Museum Prioritises Accessibility

17 Jun 2021
Case study

Blending seamlessly with the beautiful lakeside setting, the £20m development that is Windermere Jetty Museum tells the 200-year story of boating in the region.  Enhancing the native aesthetics of the main entrance building, TORMAX was contracted to install a double set of full height, automatic sliding doors, giving clear access for all visitors.  Encouraging unhindered movement of pedestrians throughout the elegant new café, TORMAX also installed two, full-glass automatic swing doors.  

Delivering minimalist automation, the swing doors are invisibly powered by in-house designed iMotion 1401 operators.  Neatly concealed within the floor spacing, the 1401 door drives feature none of the working parts that commonly wear out, ensuring exceptional reliability and a long lifespan.

Owned by Lakeland Arts and designed by award-winning architects Carmody Groarke, Windermere Jetty Museum is one of the first contemporary buildings on the shores of Windermere in over 50 years.  Principally funded by the National Lottery, the museum is home to an internationally significant collection of 40 vessels and skilfully depicts the rich history of boats and boat building in the Lake District. 

Architectural glazing and design company UKTOP, specified TORMAX to supply the automatic doors throughout the Museum.

“We are immensely proud to have been involved in this award-winning project,” comments Simon Roberts, md for TORMAX.  “The interior décor of the café has an emphasis on clean lines and natural materials so the use of invisible automation for the swings doors was essential to maintaining architectural integrity.” 


Each iMotion 1401 operator is housed in a secure steel box in the floor beneath the glass swing door.  This is entirely viable thanks to the innovative design of the powerful synchronous motor that means there are no abrading parts to cause friction wear.  Consequently, the operators require the absolute bare minimum of ongoing maintenance whilst repair requirements are also significantly reduced.


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