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White House Farm, Abergavenny

5 Mar 2025
Case study

Situated in the rural location of Abergavenny, sits this detached property known as White House Farm.

Bryan Roe, KEIM’s Senior Sales Executive, visited the project in May 2024 and reported the exposed elevations were made up of limewash on roughcast lime render and smooth cementitious render on the chimney stacks.

One of the key advantages of lime render is its breathability, allowing moisture to evaporate from the building's walls and preventing the accumulation of dampness and subsequent damage. The use of lime render in conjunction with the vapour permeability of KEIM Mineral Paints ensures restored areas remain structurally sound and free from the detrimental effects of trapped moisture.

Following recent wet weather, organic growth had become more apparent on surfaces retaining moisture which are unable to dry out. Green algae can cultivate on any exterior surface retaining moisture, including elevations of a property. Fortunately, removal is straightforward using a mild detergent and reoccurrence can be prevented by treating surfaces with fungicidal primer, KEIM Algicid-Plus, 24 hours prior to paint application.