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What makes slate a great sustainable building material?

3 Mar 2017

Natural slate is environmentally friendly in all stages of its life span, making it the best natural choice for sustainable building. The life-cycle analysis, which allows an analysis of environmental impact of a product in a global scale, confirms that natural slate is the best ecological option for any architectural project. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. Durability. Performance is a criterion of greater importance when choosing a roofing material. With a durability of over 100 years, natural slate is the most resistant material used for roofing. A good quality slate is very durable and will out-perform better than other roofing materials.

  2. Natural: Slate is a mineral product. It is totally inert and ecological, with a simple, efficient production process. By being 100% natural, slate is the roofing material with less environmental impact.

  3. Reusable or recyclable: Natural slate can be easily dismantled and recycled at the end of its useful life.

  4. No chemical emissions: Slate is subject only to extraction and working processes and does not need any additional treatment. The simplicity of its production process, which does not need any artificial materials, furnaces or chemical products, make it the sustainable alternative for any project.

  5. Healthfully maintained: Unlike the artificial products, the colour and the properties of slate stay, unalterable, through time with no need of maintenance.

  6. Affordability: Slate can last over a hundred years, making it a very cost-effective roofing material. The repair and maintenance expenses during its lifetime are extremely low.

  7. Water Conservation:  The production process of natural slate requires a certain level of humidity. In order to reduce the consumption of water, CUPA PIZARRAS has installed closed circuits allowing the reuse of it.

  8. Recycled or recyclable product packaging: Slates are packaged in wooden crates that are designed to be reused a number of times.

  9. Natural resources preservation: Once the slate reserves have been exhausted in a quarry, CUPA PIZARRAS restores the area by hydro-seeding native plants, ensuring natural recovery of the local flora and fauna.   

  10. Less negative effects: Independent studies performed internationally, such as by the Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE, University of Bath), highlight natural slate as the material with least negative effects on the physical environment.

  11. Sustainable transport: More than 60% of CUPA PIZARRAS’ production is transported by ship. This means of transportation is cleaner and more efficient and thus further reducing carbon emissions.

  12. Resource efficient manufacturing process: CUPA PIZARRAS’ commitment becomes evident through the optimization of the production process. They’re certified to ISO 14001 and are dedicated to continuously improving sustainability contributing to contractors’ sustainability targets.

CUPA PIZARRAS proudly offers a natural product in the market with the least environmental impact given by other alternatives for roofing and cladding. The perfect choice for the new sustainable construction trends!

For more information about the natural slate and its benefits, visit 

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