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Waterproofing stone, brick, and concrete. Free product sample.

Safe Gard Europe
14 Mar 2011
Stormdry Masonry Waterproofing Cream is a deeply penetrating cream for waterproofing stone, brick, and concrete. Once applied, it penetrates into the masonry before curing to form a waterproof barrier. Because the waterproofing ingredients in Stormdry line the pores of the masonry rather than blocking them, the wall is still able to breathe.

Although Stormdry is supplied as a white cream, it becomes colourless once it has penetrated into the wall - allowing the original appearance of the masonry to be maintained.

The new Stormdry sample tubes (pictured) allow a small test patch of Stormdry waterproofing cream to be applied to masonry prior to a full application. This allows applicators to demonstrate Stormdry's suitability for application to a particular masonry substrate before full treatment commences.

Further information about Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream can be found on the Stormdry website: