The development of the Vauxhall area includes an ambition to create a green link to the South Bank.
This became the subject of a competition that attracted 200 entries. The winners outlined an approach that was subsequently detailed in the publication ‘A Promenade of Curiosities’. The plans are now being implemented in phases. Vauxhall One already includes light sculptures, a green wall, a sculpture garden and a tree island in the middle of the road gyratory system.
The overall proposal is for a highly innovative public realm, with a focus on urban greening. It replaces tarmac with planting and reduces surface water run-off, thereby alleviating the under capacity of London’s sewers to cope with flash flooding.
Chris Law RIBA, Public Realm Director of Vauxhall One Business Improvement District, said: “Vauxhall is changing fast and we want to help shape it through sustainable design. This is a great example of tremendous innovation in green infrastructure. It not only looks fantastic but it reduces flooding. Taking storm water out of the over-crowded sewers and using it to irrigate planted area has to be a good idea and one which is scale-able across London.”
Completion of phase one is estimated for March 2015.
Credits as supplied:
Designers: Erect Architecture with J&L Gibbons Landscape Architects
Local Authority: LB Lambeth
Contractor Highways: FM Conway
Contractor Landscape: Streetscape