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Download Kingspan Insulation's U-value calculator APP


Kingspan Insulation is taking U-value calculations mobile with a free app for Apple, Android and Windows devices. The new application features over 6,000 calculations, all approved under the BBA/TIMSA competency scheme.

The intuitive interface will be familiar to anyone who’s used Kingspan’s popular online U-value Calculator ( With just a few taps, users can easily adjust everything from rafter depth to masonry thickness. This makes it simple to find the right insulation product and thickness for a desired floor, wall or roof U-value.

The mobile and tablet friendly app requires no registration and is suitable for use with the Building Regulations/Standards in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Product options include the Kingspan OPTIM-R vacuum insulation, Kingspan TEK Building System and new, lower-lambda, Kingspan Kooltherm K106 and K108 Cavity Board. Once completed, calculations can be sent directly to a user’s inbox or shared with others via email, text or social media.

All U-values within the application have been pre-calculated by a member of Kingspan Insulation’s Technical Services Department who is approved under the ‘BBA/TIMSA Scheme for Calculation Competency Part 1 – U-value and condensation risk’. Where appropriate, these calculations also take into account fixings and bridging factors.

To start calculating, visit your App store and search for ‘Kingspan’.

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