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Understanding Legionnaires’ Disease – a new Pocket Guide

16 Aug 2010
Despite the fact that it was first identified as long ago as 1976, there are still several hundred occurrences of Legionnaires’ disease in the UK every year; some of them fatal.

In order to put the disease into perspective, heat transfer specialists, Alfa Laval, has produced a new edition of its popular Guide To range of pocket publications dealing specifically with Legionnaire’s disease.

The Guide to Legionnaires’Disease covers the disease’s history, how it occurs and the best methods currently available to prevent its development.

Of particular interest to building owners, contractors and even suppliers of building materials and equipment is the wide range of people – from designers to manufacturers – who are subject to the legislation covering control of Legionnaires’ in the workplace. Equally, the locales in which the Legionella bacteria are able to breed – such as under-utilised sinks or showers and pipe-work containing dead legs– might come as a nasty surprise to building owners and others responsible for Health & Safety.