The WPL Diamond EH5 wastewater treatment plant is now available in France and fully approved (number 2012-039) by the Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement Durable et de l’Énergie.
In France, if a property is not connected to mains drainage (where there is no ‘Assainissement Collectif’ or ‘Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works’) the owner has to have a private wastewater treatment plant or septic tank with soak away. The WPL Diamond EH5 plant is an approved wastewater treatment system for a domestic population equivalent of up to 5 persons. This depends on SPANC rules.
Throughout France there are local SPANC (Service Public d’Assainissement Non Collectif) organisations, similar to the Environment Agency local offices in the UK. They are responsible for regulating sewage treatment plants, including new installations, and also ensuring existing systems are maintained properly. Any systems that have not been properly maintained will have to be replaced.
For properties requiring a new, approved wastewater treatment system an application must be made to SPANC via the local Mairie. SPANC will confirm to the Mairie that the proposed system complies with the current regulations for waste water systems (for domestic properties up to 20 Population Equivalents (PE) Arrêté du 7 Septembre 2009). Anyone can view a list of approved systems online (
The Diamond EH5 benefits from a completely below ground tank (just the lid is visible) minimising the impact on your landscaping, plus the biological process means there are no odours and Diamonds require minimal maintenance.