Following the requirements of Approved Document Q, Sunflex UK is delighted to announce that its folding doors have successfully completed PAS24 testing carried out by BSI.
The certification means that the folding doors joins Sunflex sliding door range in exceeding the required standards for use as part of any new build or change of dwelling where plans were issued after 1st October 2015.
The PAS24:2012 standard was introduced to provide a method of testing and assessing the enhanced security performance requirements for external doorsets and window types to a level of security to resist a casual or opportunist burglar for a domestic house or equivalent. The tests are conducted on a complete framed doorset and ensure that all products meet a cylinder and door hardware attack.
The new standard is applicable to new window and doorsets as manufactured and prior to installation and covers our full bifold range, sliding doors and windows. Each Sunflex UK product also meets the material specific requirements as detailed by the product standards for doorsets.