Top floor rooms were suffering from internal damp problems due to water ingress. Tests using Stormdry gauges were able to determine the severity and exact location of rainwater penetration. Results showed that waterproofing treatment was required for the lower sections of the external chimney breast elevations of brick and sandstone.
Stormdry masonry protection cream and Stormdry Repointing Additive were specified as the preferred waterproofing solution. Due to its unique formulation, Stormdry deeply penetrates masonry to form a water-repellent yet breathable barrier. This leaves no visible alteration to the natural appearance of the stone or brickwork, which was required for works to this listed building. Stormdry Repointing Additive imparts water-repellency to mortar and improves adhesion between mortar and the brick.
Stormdry masonry protection cream was applied to the external chimney brickwork and sandstone, with all mortar beds raked out and repointed using Stormdry Repointing Additive. Upon completion of the works Stormdry gauge tests were carried out once more and confirmed the waterproofing treatment was effective. The stone and brickwork of the chimney breasts retain their natural original appearance and water ingress has been successfully halted. The Stormdry treatment is expected to last for at least 20-30 years.