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Spectraplan SG120 - Plummerswood

11 Apr 2018
Case study

A stunning new ‘brown roof’ is the crowning glory for a private dwelling overlooking the River Tweed.  The project has been designed to last 100 years and takes into account the requirements of future generations of the family.

The house is the first to be constructed in the UK with zero heating requirements using the mass timber Brettstapel technique. Passive technologies such as orientation for daylight and solar gain, super insulation and air-tightness levels have been utilised in order to achieve the internationally recognised Passivhaus standard.  The main superstructure was prefabricated in Austria and shipped to the site in the Borders area of Scotland.

For the roof, the client wanted to mimic the existing gorse land environment to lessen the visual impact and a brown roof system was chosen for suitability.  A brown roof, also referred to as a Bio-diverse roof, would provide a habitat capable of supporting wildlife as well as enhancing the appearance.

For the main flat roof area, Spectraplan TPE SG120 Light Grey single ply membrane was installed.  Spectraplan TPE membranes are free of halogens (Chlorine, Fluorine, Bromine and Iodine), softeners, (H)CFCs and heavy metals, fitting in with the green credentials on the property.  A brown roof system was laid on top of the single ply membrane.

Spectraplan is only available in the UK from SIG Design & Technology and can only be installed by an IKO Single Ply trained and licensed contractor.

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