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Specifying roof, ceiling, wall and floor access solutions

10 Dec 2020

Thursday 10th December – 1:00pm

Attend our live RIBA accredited CPD seminar ‘SAFE ACCESS ALL AREAS’, to gain exclusive information on the specification of access solutions.

This CPD session includes: 

  • Exploring the purpose and reason for access
  • Identifying and overcoming access challenges
  • Achieving stylish aesthetics with certified solutions
  • Assessing design considerations
  • An overview of regulations and standards
  • A guide to fire ratings and certification
  • Considerations for smoke ventilation
  • Weight loading and configurations

Hosted by our Northern Regional Sales Manager Stan Winfield, the interactive session will explore the key considerations when specifying safe, secure and functional roof, ceiling, wall and floor access solutions without compromising on aesthetics. 

Registration Link -

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