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Social Housing Project - Houghton Street, St Widnes

11 Jun 2013
Case study

Lindab’s steel based Rainline rainwater drainage system features on a sustainable social housing project in St Widnes designed by leading environmental architects Denovo Design.
This project which has provided much needed housing for local people ,with additional specialist disabled accommodation , incorporates a host of sustainable specifications, such as PV panels; sun tunnels; high levels of insulation, FSC accredited timber and Lindab Rainline steel rainwater systems.

The outdoor space has maximised the use of greenery, showcased by the spectacular 1.8M high green ivy wall which spans the main access to the site and makes a strong environmental statement.

This green wall, as well as being anti-graffiti, is low maintenance and provides a natural habitat for wild birds and insects. To further encourage wildlife, Swift bricks have been built as a permanent feature into 4 of the gable ends.

In keeping with the environmental aspects of the scheme, which was designed to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 criteria, Denovo Design specified Lindab Rainline as it not only has an  extremely low carbon footprint compared to other systems it is also  low in maintenace and its high performance features delivers excellent whole life costings.

It’s  vandal resistance capabilities and robustness were also of particular importance to Denovo Design for this development which comprised of a detached house,2 semi detached,7 terraced and 2 bungalows one of which was adapted for a disabled family.