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Schueco Façade System Will Meet 2013 Document L Regulations

27 Mar 2012
Architects and developers wishing to future-proof their buildings against the more stringent energy-saving and CO2 reduction targets expected to be included in Document L of the Building Regulations in 2013, will find that Schueco's FW 50+.SI insulated aluminium façade system provides a complete solution.

Developed as part of Schueco's on-going programme of continuous product improvement, the FW 50+.SI is an evolution of the company's best-selling 50 mm face-width system. It is available now and achieves 'U' values that surpass not only today's insulation requirements but also any changes that may come into force in England in October 2013.

Schueco's range of insulated mullion/transom façades also includes the FW 60+.SI system which has a 60 mm face-width to accommodate longer spans and heavier loadings. Both systems have been tested to the strict CWCT standard and have been given official PassivHaus certification, meaning that they are able to achieve 'U' values as low as 0.8 W/m2K.

Double- and triple-glazed units from 24 mm to 64 mm can be accommodated in both façades, with glass loads up to 700 kg. Designed also to incorporate Schueco's newly introduced ProSol TF+ thin-film PV modules, the façades are available with special profiles that locate, hide and provide access to the necessary cabling.

This means that in addition to saving energy through exceptional levels of insulation, Schueco façades can also generate electricity and reduce CO2 emissions in line with the company's Energy3 concept – Saving Energy, Generating Energy, Networking Energy.

  For further information on the Schueco FW+ series of super-insulated aluminium façades, please go to