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Quantum Flooring works with UK Slip Resistance Group (UKSRG) to make stairs safer

7 Jun 2016

Many accidents occur on stairs - there are ways to reduce the risk.

In partnership with the UK Slip Resistance Group (UKSRG), Quantum Flooring Solutions (QFS) has been involved with the compilation of a document which is intended as ‘a one stop shop’ for information on features which can help make a stairway a safer place. The objective is for the document to be of value to anyone involved in the design, specification, construction, installation, fitting or maintenance of a stairway - giving impartial and independent advice on the elements of a stairway that need attention for safety purposes, and where relevant it indicates the areas where regulatory guidelines need to be met.

The UKSRG is an independent organisation representing companies with an interest in floor safety, in particular the slip resistance of surfaces on which people walk. As such the group was aware that one major area where ‘slips’ occur was on stairs and accordingly commissioned a small working party of members to produce a document which would contain cohesive guidelines for anyone who has a vested interest in making a stairway a safer place.

The outcome is the document “What Makes Stairs Safer?

It identifies 5 key features of a stair that need in depth consideration when stair safety is the goal - and it became apparent that it was not just the slip resistance of a tread surface which is important.

Dimensions – Stair Nosings – Handrails – Lighting – Maintenance

All play a linking part, and this UKSRG document is structured such that the main aspects of these features are first identified clearly, but not in too much depth. For full details of any one element a comprehensive ‘Further Reading’ reference list is included, which gives detailed and independent back-up to the guidelines in the document. 

For more information, visit

Or for information about the UKSRG event visit

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