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Purifying Harmful Substances in the Air

2 May 2019

How can a roof purify harmful pollutants?

Pollution is killing 50,000 people a year in the UK according to a recent study*, but what can be done about this?

The science bit:

An IKO Carrara roofing system Neutralises Sulphur (SO₂) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO₂) thanks to its Titanium Dioxide (TiO₂) white granulate finish which can help reduce the pollutants within the atmosphere.

That's enough of the complicated bit.

(Click here for more of the complicated bits)

So what does this actually mean?

All you need to know is that IKO Carrara can create a healthier living environment.

Helping to purify the air leads to inhaling fewer particles and less ozone air pollution (O₃) which can be damaging to our breathing. Avoiding this air pollution and promoting purer air stimulates proper functioning airways, lungs, heart and blood vessels which in turn leads to a healthier way of living.

Consider the air quality in your area or in an urban, school or hospital environment and how improving the air quality around these areas would be of benefit to the people that live, work and study there. Especially with the increase of cars and other pollutants in and around these areas.

If you were to use an IKO Carrara roofing system of 500m² it would neutralise the average emissions of 2 to 3 diesel cars over a year (we have the calculation to prove this as well!)

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