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Pressure relief from Delta-FM

3 Sep 2013
To combat dampness and eliminate contamination in concrete floor applications,  Delta-FM is a high performance high-density polyethylene sheet from Delta Membrane Systems.
The low stud profile of just 3mm helps to minimise deviations in floor levels, but still provides an air gap to achieved damp pressure equalisation. A flange strip along one side of the roll allows jointing to be carried out with an overlap, but without affecting the overall height of the installation.

Quickly fitted to ensure minimal downtime for installers, Delta-FM ensures the percentage RH levels are isolated in the air gap, and controlled.

Suitable for use in conjunction with thermal insulation, sound insulation and many types of underfloor heating systems, Delta-FM can be used in new-build, remedial or refurbishment projects for floors and walls.

Compressive strength is 140kN/m2, and the void between the dimples is about 2.1 litres/m2.

Capable of operating effectively in temperatures from -30OC to +80OC, Delta-FM prevents root penetration and is approved for drinking water applications. It is supplied in rolls measuring 20m x 2m.