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Optima from Profile 22: future-proof high performance windows

4 Aug 2016

Profile 22 has unveiled Optima, developed specifically with commercial sectors in mind, and backed by the Profile 22 Approved Window Contractors scheme, Optima offers a compelling choice for the professional specifier. Behind this launch is a radical rethink of each of the key processes in the production of a window and door system for the 21st Century: extrusion processes that ensure superb quality and consistency whilst protecting the environment through reduced energy and ecological impact and products that easily satisfy current technical and aesthetic demands by anticipating those of many years ahead.

The two product streams are characterised by the Optima Chamfered System and the Optima Sculptured System, from which a large number of options are available including a brand new Flush Casement to compete in the burgeoning ‘heritage’ flush sash timber replacement sector.

In basis the systems offer a 6 chamber outer frame (up to 8 with RCM inserts) and a 5 chamber sash (6 with RCM), structures that provide optimal thermal performance and rigidity with the capability of U values as low as 0.8 W/m2K with appropriate Argon filled IGUs. Around these basic structures will be the widest range of ancillaries and add-ons of any system on the market to allow the production of windows in every style, for every property type. Important niche products such as a fully reversible window; a vertical sliding sash; flush tilt & turn; a flush casement; composite door; french door sets; and a patio door may be manufactured by combining existing profiles with the Optima suite. Performance is to A++ Window Energy Rating.