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OPTIM-R installed at Aberdeen Medical Centre

3 Apr 2017
Case study

GP practice staff in Aberdeen city are enjoying a new and improved environment at their purpose-built facility, with the help of the Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System.

Woodside Fountain Health Centre is a bespoke build replacing the Woodside Medical Group’s premises on Western Road. The triple primary care facility offers a collaboration of services within the fully accessible building. The new health centre is comprised of 12 consulting rooms, a minor procedures room, treatment rooms, an NHS dental practice, and a team of community nurses. The project was overseen by contractors Miller Construction, which was acquired by Galliford Try in 2014.

The centre features a spacious roof terrace. To insulate this, whilst also maintaining an even transition from the internal area, 30 mm thickness of the Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System was specified. Unlike conventional insulation, Kingspan OPTIM-R panels feature a microporous core which is evacuated, encased and sealed in a gas-tight envelope. This design allows the panels to achieve outstanding insulation performance with an aged thermal conductivity of 0.007 W/m.K, enabling the target U-value of 0.15 W/m2.K to be achieved with the slimmest possible construction.  A further layer of Kingspan Styrozone was installed above the System, followed by a waterproof membrane and the final balcony surface.

The Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System also includes OPTIM-R flex infill strips which can be cut to size, ensuring the System can meet all design requirements. When installed to Kingspan Insulation’s guidelines, the Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System can provide outstanding long term thermal performance over the lifetime of a building.

Kingspan OPTIM-R has a BDA Agrément® certification for thicknesses of 20-40 mm. BDA Agrément® is recognised by professional bodies such as the NHBC and LABC, which can fast-track approvals and offers an assurance that the products are safe and effective. 

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