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Open Qualifier Course Proves Great Setting for Lindab Golf Day

4 Jun 2014

Worldwide ventilation specialists the Lindab Group have reported an excellent day’s sport for guests at a golf day organised by Lindab’s Southampton branch.


Staged at the Remedy Oak Golf Club in Dorset on 15 May, the tournament saw seven teams competing as four balls in a stableford team competition.  The winning team comprised Wayne Crossan, Business Development Manager at Lindab Southampton; Mike Sherwood, Owner of Pinnacle Duct Work; Rhys Dear, Contracts Manager at Carford Caterers; and Glen Hughes, Key Account Manager at Elta Fans.


Glen was joined by Elta colleagues and Key Account Managers Phil Warner, who played in the event, and Bob Warren who played a supporting role in the Elta sponsored golf buggy which served refreshments to the competitors – very welcome on what proved to be one of the hottest days of the year so far.


Wayne Crossan of Lindab said – “It was a great day on what proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable but challenging course. Good company, good golf, good weather and the opportunity for representatives from various sectors of the building services industry to get together made for an excellent event.”


The Remedy Oak Golf Club is less than 10 years old but has already become a venue for a Regional Qualifying tournament for the British Open Championship and is rated as one of the top 50 golf courses in Great Britain and Ireland.