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New Look Website For Kingspan Structural Products

5 Mar 2012
Kingspan Structural Products has announced the launch of its new website:  It has been designed to allow easy access to helpful information on the company’s range of cold formed purlins, rails and floor decking.

The new site has been given a clean modern look but has retained key features for easy navigation, such as providing product quick links on the home page and links to each product on every page within the site.

A section for downloadable literature and the industry renowned software, Toolkit are provided for those seeking more in-depth technical information / detailing assistance. This means that everyone from specifiers to engineers can get the information they need, with a latest news section to keep site visitors fully up to date.

Kingspan manufactures cold formed structural products including Multibeam purlin and rail systems, Multichannel C sections, Multideck steel floor decking; all supported with a comprehensive range of ancillary products. Their fully integrated management system combines all the common elements of ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety), and they were the first manufacturer of purlins and rails in the UK to be able to CE mark their products.
For further information please contact us on 01944 712000 or email