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Manhole Reinstatement - IKO Pacopatch, Market Harborough

23 Jul 2018
Case study

style="box-sizing:border-box; font-size:1.6em; line-height:1.3; margin-bottom:0.5em; margin-top:0px; text-rendering:optimizeSpeed; width:787.5px">Project Description

A failed manhole near a residential area in Market Harborough needed to be reinstated. Leicestershire County Council required a long-lasting road ironwork reinstatement solution that could be installed right first time. The ongoing loud clanking noise produced by the cars driving over the manhole was deeply frustrating for the local residents, while the sunken manhole was causing damage to cars as well as representing a safety risk to pedestrians and bikes.

Solution and Installation

Manly Co Ltd a professional ironwork and civil engineering contractor selected IKO Pacopatch to reinstate the failed manhole installation. IKO Pacopatch is a long-lasting mastic asphalt system, designed to reinstate failing surfaces surrounding manholes, drainage gullies and other public utilities ironworks. IKO Pacopatch is a two part system comprising of IKO Pacopatch Grout and IKO Pacopatch Bricks. The brick are manufactured with a high percentage of recycled material and forms the bulk of the system providing dimensional stability and aids the cooling of the grout. The IKO Pacopatch Bricks can be broken as necessary depending on the shape and size of the reinstatement. IKO Pacopatch Grout is a polymer modified mastic asphalt utilised as the in-fill material. The molten material flows around the IKO Pacopatch Bricks to create an impervious and voidless reinstatement system.

Mr Alan Lee, Managing Director at Manly Co Ltd commented

“We have used IKO Pacopatch for the past 15 years. Because IKO Pacopatch is voidless, no compaction is needed. This is a simple system which is fast to install meaning we can reopen the road to traffic quicker”.

A Long and Proven Track Record

IKO Pacopatch has been specified by local authorities and utilities across the country since 2001.

Ian Smith, Area Manager at KierWSP, Northamptonshire Highways commented

“Over a period of 15 years we have reinstated circa 10,000 pieces of failed road ironworks using IKO Pacopatch across the county with no recorded problems”.


System Used:  IKO Pacopatch GroutIKO Pacopatch Brick 

Specifier: Leicestershire County Council

Contractor: Manly Co Ltd

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