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Leighton Buzzard Business to create Daisy chain the length of Britain to raise money for A-T Society

11 Sep 2017

The team at Garside Sands, based in the heart of Leighton Buzzard, is set to go the distance, cycling the length of John O’Groats to Land’s End, in a relay, to raise money for the A-T Society on Wednesday, 20th September.

The reason behind the entire team from Aggregate Industries Garside Sands’ site taking part in the challenge is Little Daisy Goble, a family friend of one of the team and nearby neighbour.

In 2016, Daisy was diagnosed with the disabling, life shortening condition Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T). The condition means Daisy’s mobility is already affected and she will soon need to use a wheelchair to get around, as she becomes increasingly disabled. Sadly, A-T puts children at high risk of cancer and lung disease, Daisy’s life expectancy is just 26 years.

Daisy, her Mum Terri, who works for Truck and Trailer Services in Leighton Buzzard, and Dad Lee, a security engineer with Chubb Systems, will all be at there to cheer the team on as they cycle the length of Britain on static bikes.

Speaking about the fundraising event, Daisy’s mum, Terri, said: “The family are thrilled to have the support of Garside Sands and DW Sports. It’s lovely, these wonderful people really don’t know us at all well, but they are going above and beyond to change lives for Daisy and other children with A-T.  It’s inspirational and so special to know there are really good people in the world.

“For Terri and Lee, the A-T diagnosis has been devastating. Knowing our child will have to overcome so many tough obstacles in her life is heartbreakingly cruel.  The hopes and dreams we had for Daisy have all gone, but no matter what, we will make her life beautiful and we wouldn’t change her.  Despite all the challenges we face as a family, our lives are more fulfilled with Daisy in them.”

Clare Martindale, commercial services manager at Garside Sands, commented: “Daisy’s story is one of heartbreak and courage. No child should have to suffer from the debilitating condition that is A-T and the way that Daisy has responded to this, is an inspiration to us all. We feel privileged to be able to support Daisy, and that is why the whole team will be taking part to raise money to help the out Daisy, Terri and Lee.”

The A-T Society supports children and young people with A-T.  To find out more about the condition:


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