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Kingspan TEK and OPTIM-R achieve BES 6001 certification

24 Aug 2016

Kingspan Insulation is once again taking the lead on responsible business practices as its TEK and OPTIM-R product ranges became the first in their respective classes to achieve ‘Very Good’ BES 6001: Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products certification.

The certificate covers all Kingspan OPTIM-R products manufactured at Kingspan Insulation’s Herefordshire site and Kingspan TEK panels produced at the firm’s facility in North Yorkshire. During the certification process, carried out to Issue 3.0 of BES 6001, BRE Global also confirmed that the Kingspan Kooltherm, KoolDuct and Therma product ranges manufactured at the facilities have retained their ‘Excellent’ ratings.

BES 6001 provides a detailed framework of the processes which must be addressed to ensure responsible sourcing of construction materials. These include organisational governance, supply chain management and environmental and social elements.

The certification provides clear, independent assurance that Kingspan Insulation products have been produced with constituent materials which meet the highest levels of responsible sourcing practice. Through their BES 6001 certification, the Kingspan products can also contribute towards the award of credits within the BREEAM assessment.

Adrian Pargeter, Head of Technical and Marketing GB at Kingspan Insulation, said: “We are delighted to have successfully expanded the BES 6001 certification scheme to our Kingspan TEK and OPTIM-R product ranges. These latest certifications, and the retained ratings for our Kooltherm, Therma and KoolDuct products, are testament to the hard work of our employees which underpins our role as a sustainable and responsible manufacturer.”

More information about Kingspan Insulation and responsible sourcing can be found on the website:

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