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Kingspan releases details guidance for lower lambda cavity wall insulation

25 Oct 2016

Kingspan Insulation is helping specifiers and installers to close the performance gap with a new technical guidance series, providing standard details for Kingspan Kooltherm K106 Cavity Board. The first document in the series is now available for download, covering applications of 90 mm Kingspan Kooltherm K106 Cavity Board within a 100 mm wall cavity.

Kingspan Kooltherm K106 Cavity Board has a thermal conductivity of just 0.018 W/m.K. The insulation board is available in a range of thicknesses and features a watertight polypropylene fleece outer facing, allowing it to be installed with an air gap of just 10 mm. As a result, the product can help to deliver extremely low U-values as part of a typical cavity wall construction.

The comprehensive technical document provides clear details, for a variety of wall junctions, including sills and jambs, that have been carefully developed with the aims of being buildable, achieving good thermal performance and minimising risk. The details include a number of solutions that improve on the approved detail values provided within Table K1 of SAP 2012 and have been calculated by engineers with suitable expertise and experience in accordance with BRE IP 1/06 and BR 497.  They can therefore be used within SAP and SBEM calculations for building CO2 emissions. 

Each detail is provided with psi-values and temperature factors for a range of internal blockwork thermal conductivities, a U-value range and a process sequence for both thermal performance and airtightness. Variants are also provided for junctions around windows and doors, covering a 30 mm overlap (between the window frame and the cavity) and a full overlap (between the frame and cavity), including checked reveals.  

The full cavity wall details document is available for download from the Kingspan Insulation website:

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