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Kingspan OPTIM-R installed at exclusive London apartments

2 Nov 2016
Case study

The Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System was the product of choice for a luxury apartment building right in the heart of the capital.

42-43 Pall Mall is a new build development from Amazon Property, featuring four spacious apartments and a flagship art gallery. Main contractors McLaren Construction oversaw the demolition of the existing property at 43 Pall Mall and partial demolition of 42 Pall Mall, with just the original portland stone façade retained. The new apartments are spread across both plots and have been completed with the highest attention to detail including bespoke kitchens and direct lift access.

To maintain excellent energy efficiency throughout the lifespan of the building, the scheme has been designed using a fabric-first approach. The target roof U-value of 0.15 W/m2.K proved challenging to achieve on the front and rear roof terraces as the elegant, even transition between internal and external spaces did not leave enough room for conventional insulation. The Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System provided a slim-line solution.

Kingspan OPTIM-R panels have an aged thermal conductivity of 0.007 W/m.K, allowing them to match the thermal performance of other commonly used insulation materials at a fraction of the thickness. Within the Kingspan OPTIM-R Balcony & Terrace System, the panels are accompanied with Kingspan OPTIM-R flex infill strips which can be cut to fit unusual dimensions.

40 mm Kingspan OPTIM-R panels were installed on the balconies by Partnering Contractors Limited. Matching thicknesses of Kingspan OPTIM-R flex infill strips were also laid around the edge of the terrace. A further layer of Kingspan Thermataper TT47 LPC/FM was then installed above this, providing a fall to the gutter. The balconies were then completed with marble tiles, providing a high class finish.

Astin Burchell, Managing Director of Partnering Contractors Limited, commented:

“The luxury nature of this development meant it was essential that we were able to insulate the balconies effectively, without breaking up the minimalist design with a level change from the indoor to outdoor spaces. The Kingspan Balcony & Terrace System allowed us to meet the requirements with a simple and straightforward installation.”

20 – 40 mm thick Kingspan OPTIM-R panels are the only vacuum insulation panels in the world to be certified under the independent BDA Agrément scheme. This confirms that the products will perform as expected when fitted to Kingspan Insulation’s recommendations. The certification is also recognised by bodies such as the NHBC and LABC. This can help to streamline the procedures and approvals process, offering the potential for both time and cost savings.

To ensure all Kingspan OPTIM-R Systems achieve the best possible level of thermal performance from an absolute minimum thickness, Kingspan’s specialist technical team provide detailed layouts and instructions for every project.

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