James Latham is now offering the Rolls-Royce of Eucalyptus through all eight of its timber depots, with the arrival of Grandis 690+, a WoodEx Engineered Grandis.
Delivering a number of benefits to customers; namely sustainability, natural durability, ease of use and continuity of supply, Grandis 690+ (a reference to its impressive density scoring against other products available on the market) is 100% FSC plantation grown from an area of 220,000 hectares and produced exclusively from a single species.
Fully compliant with EUTR legislation and verified by TRADA, Grandis 690+ has been extensively tested at the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil where it scored highly against stringent criteria including strength and durability (achieving 2-3; durable to moderately durable) as well as density, (690 - 750 kg/m3 @12% M/c - the same species in other parts of the World has only achieved 595 k/g/m3), making it particularly suitable for joinery and structural use. Plus, it has also been assessed for one- hour fire test requirements.
It also boasts an impressive natural durability, resisting infestation from insects, therefore greatly reducing the chance of bore holes etc as well as maintaining its aesthetic properties.
Paul Leach, Group Product Sales and Development Manager for WoodEx and Accoya at James Latham explained, “With Grandis 690+, the timber is allowed to grow more naturally and reach full maturity of approximately 28 years, hence the extra density.
“It really is an impressive timber and one which ticks all the boxes, both for ourselves but also for our customers. As well as meeting all the legal and sustainable requirements, it’s a high-grade, knot free, clear and uniform timber which is also extremely easy to machine, making it the perfect choice for the joinery, furniture making and construction sectors.”
Grandis 690+ is exclusively available through James Latham, directly from stock in clear faced lengths of 2.0m – 3.0m and in finger-jointed lengths of 5.9m as well as in various widths and thicknesses.