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Introducing 2 RIBA approved CPDs from Selectaglaze

18 Nov 2020

Specifying secondary glazing for enhancing thermal performance, acoustics and security of existing windows

26th November 2020 – 11.30

Secondary glazing is a fundamental method of raising the performance levels of windows in Listed and heritage buildings. To find out how it can, please register here.

It helps improve thermal performance, reduces noise levels and adds security, making buildings more comfortable and increasing well-being for the users and occupiers of the space.

Key topics covered:

  • The benefits that installing secondary glazing presents
  • The types and options of units available
  • Related testing and performance standards
  • Fixing/installation methods and details
  • Economics
  • Sustainability

Nic Dabney, Selectaglaze CPD Presenter and Technical Advisor, will be hosting the event via Zoom and will welcome questions during and after the presentation. Certificates of attendance will be issues post-event, so CPD points can be claimed. We look forward to seeing you virtually on the 26th November at 11.30 am


Window protection through secondary glazing systems

8th December 2020 – 12.00

Windows are often deemed the most vulnerable aspect of a building and this is especially so in Listed and heritage buildings, where they are timeworn and single glazed – offering little protection. By installing an independent internal secondary glazed system, security levels can be dramatically improved. Please register your place here.

Key topics covered in this RIBA approved CPD:

  • The types of security offered: prevention against physical attack, blast mitigation, protection from ballistic attack and fire integrity
  • Testing methods, applicable standards and performance ratings: PAS24, LPS1175, ISO 16933, EN 1522/1523, BS EN1364-1, BS EN1363-1 - 30 minute fire integrity
  • Considerations when specifying security secondary glazing
  • Relevant systems and their capabilities

Nic Dabney, Selectaglaze CPD Presenter and Technical Advisor, will be hosting the event via Zoom and will welcome questions during and after the presentation. Certificates of attendance will be issues post-event, so CPD points can be claimed. We look forward to seeing you virtually on the 8th December 2020 at 12.00pm.

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